
I am drawn to the sacred spaces that the camera allows me access to, and humbled by the role of bearing witness to life-altering events and the wonderful, unpredictable moments in between. My approach is human before it is anything else — entering with tenderness, exchanging assumptions for curiosity, and observing with eagerness as everything naturally unfolds. Making connections & garnering relationships with my clients beyond the frame is an integral part of the process that allows me to provide an honest perspective of your experiences and reflect the essence of who you are.

I believe that a photographer participates in the wedding celebration as much as anyone else, and the consequent imagery should artfully embody how it felt to be present. These photographs are the visual language that your story is written in, and my hope is that they will serve as reminders of joy, sincerity, & commitment, and inspire a spirit of gratitude & thanksgiving.


There is something truly special about meeting, working with, and befriending Natalie.

"We love how comprehensively she tells stories — the unique, unexpected moments she captures, how easy-going her subjects look, and the expert use of lighting.  She put us at ease and captured us, our guests, and the overall vibe of our wedding so well. By the end of our weekend, she truly felt like an integral part of our wedding story and  community. Every time we look through our photos, we notice something new and are transported back to the feeling of the day, and we’ll be forever grateful to Natalie."


Before raising the camera, my aim is to see you, your loved ones, and read the room. A photographer can alter the dynamic and add or detract from your experience — my hope is to honor and respect those in front of my lens, and provide space for things to happen organically. Holistic documentation requires a willingness to watch and listen, so my promise to you is to tread lightly in order to preserve the authenticity of the moment, and give gentle guidance & assurance when it is appropriate to do so. One of the primary reasons I limit the number of weddings I take on each year is so that I can get to know each of my couples to ensure that I am representing them well and offer the highest level of service & dedication possible.


Beyond having relational chemistry and a shared aesthetic, my clients and I value presence over perfection. I have made my best work with people who are open and offer their complete trust — this allows me to follow my creative instincts and provides the foundation for clients to be wholly present. Holding expectations with an open hand is the key to your uninhibited participation with those who have come from near & far to celebrate with you. Experience > optics.


Photographs should be reflections of the feelings and emotions we live through; powerful imagery should not only be visually stimulating, but alive and inspired by all our senses. As an artist, I have a vested interest in creating beautiful and meaningful work that allows you to see yourselves & your loved ones in your truest form, and rediscover your experiences again and again.

She has managed to capture the very essence of us — our emotions, personalities, and all of the special moments that made up the day.

"You cannot adequately prepare for the craziness you experience on your wedding day, and Natalie was there to help calm our nerves and be a stable anchor through it all. She was a peacful, yet engaging presence in midst of the chaos and captured the heart of our day with a laugh, a smile, and an ability to make everyone feel at ease."

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